WordPress 4.8 “Evans”

Version 4.8 of WordPress, named “Evans” in honor of jazz pianist and composer William John “Bill” Evans, is available for download!

Main Changes

  • Added Media Widgets
  • Added Rich Text Widget
  • Simplified Link Editing

Under the hood

  • REST API: orderby normalization
  • REST API: Add supports object to /types response
  • New filter to disable auto-focus on the login screen
  • Screencast.com was added as an oEmbed provider
  • HHVM removed from the test matrix on Travis
  • Bundled Themes now support the new media and updated text widget
  • Popular plugins feed has been removed from the dashboard
  • Support added for Bosnian locale (bs_BA) in remove_accents()
  • Easily enqueue WP_Editor JavaScript files using the new wp_enqueue_editor()

New Action Hooks

  • deleted_blog
  • print_default_editor_scripts

New Filter Hooks

  • file_mod_allowed replaces disallow_file_mods
  • minimum_site_name_length
  • nav_menu_submenu_css_class
  • page_menu_link_attributes
  • post_date_column_status
  • signup_site_meta
  • signup_user_meta
  • wp_doing_cron
  • widget_text_content
  • rest_oembed_ttl
  • widget_{$this->id_base}_instance

Modified Filter Hooks

  • widget_text_content
  • {$type}_template
  • display_media_states
  • media_library_show_audio_playlist
  • media_library_show_video_playlist
  • rest_pre_insert_comment
  • wp_is_large_network

External Library Updates

  • TinyMCE was updated from version 4.5.6 to version 4.6.2
  • Twemoji was updated from version 2.2.2 to version 2.3.0
  • zxcvbn was updated from version 1.0 to version 4.4.1

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