Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
— Leonardo Da Vinci

Sage 9 Beta 1 released!

Sage 9 Beta 1 released!

Sage defines itself “The best WordPress starter theme with a modern front-end development workflow.” And it is! From December of 2015 when the development of Sage 9 started, it has now reached Beta 1 stage, with a lot of improvements and changes. Read the full article about the release and follow the instructions for getting started! – […]

Version 4.7 of WordPress, named “Vaughan” is out!

Version 4.7 of WordPress, named “Vaughan” is out!

Version 4.7 of WordPress, named “Vaughan” in honor of legendary jazz vocalist Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan, is available for download or update. Twenty Seventeen theme REST API Content Endpoints Under the hoods Edit Shortcuts Video Headers Smoother Menu Building Custom CSS PDF Thumbnail Previews Post Type Templates Theme API Goodies Custom Bulk Actions – Reed the […]

Interacting with the new WP_Term_Query

Interacting with the new WP_Term_Query

One of the new improvements version 4.6 will introduce, is the WP_Term_Query class, which will change the way we query and retrieve terms. The freshly-introduced class WP_Term_Query will help us querying terms the same way we are querying WordPress Posts (using WP_Query), WordPress Users (with WP_User_Query) and WordPress Comments (WP_Comment_Query). – Reed the tweet