Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
— Leonardo Da Vinci

8 cool features to come in PHP 7.1

8 cool features to come in PHP 7.1

8 cool features to come in #PHP 7.1 Nullable Types Square Bracket Syntax For Array Destructuring Assignment Warn About Invalid Strings In Arithmetic Allow Specifying Keys In List() Generalize Support Of Negative String Offsets Void Return Type Support Class Constant Visibility Catching Multiple Exception Types – Reed the tweet

So the long waited php7 is finally here..

So the long waited php7 is finally here..

The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0. This release marks the start of the new major PHP 7 series. PHP 7.0.0 comes with a new version of the Zend Engine, numerous improvements and new features such as Improved performance: PHP 7 is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 Significantly […]