Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
— Leonardo Da Vinci

Sage 9 Beta 1 released!

Sage 9 Beta 1 released!

Sage defines itself “The best WordPress starter theme with a modern front-end development workflow.” And it is! From December of 2015 when the development of Sage 9 started, it has now reached Beta 1 stage, with a lot of improvements and changes. Read the full article about the release and follow the instructions for getting started! – […]

Interacting with the new WP_Term_Query

Interacting with the new WP_Term_Query

One of the new improvements version 4.6 will introduce, is the WP_Term_Query class, which will change the way we query and retrieve terms. The freshly-introduced class WP_Term_Query will help us querying terms the same way we are querying WordPress Posts (using WP_Query), WordPress Users (with WP_User_Query) and WordPress Comments (WP_Comment_Query). – Reed the tweet